Sunday, September 22, 2013

Stress and injury

Ok, so anyone who knows me knows that I do *not* handle stress well. (In fact, anyone who knows me is probably laughing hysterically because this is probably the understatement of the year.) This is where running comes in. I can't really explain how running helps with my stress levels but I will try. Exercise was great, and I definitely felt better and managed my stress well enough when doing a Jillian video or something, but running takes me to a whole different level. It seems cliche' but it really is kind of a spiritual experience. I use the early morning hours to think, reflect, pray, and just listen to myself breathe. Yes, I am with other ladies and occasionally we chat (when we can find the breath) but there's something about the silence and quiet that centers me and makes me a much nicer person to be around. 

For the past several weeks I've been fighting through some foot/heel/ankle issues and forcing myself to take rest days. When I was first running, I could only manage a mile or so, and I could run every day with few issues. As my mileage has built up (currently 3-4 miles is my base run) I've had more frequent pain. This week I am going to force myself to rest every other day and see if that helps. If you see me stressed out, please be patient. I will run the next day and hopefully be back to normal very soon. :) 

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